Introduction and poster/demo presentation pitches
Room B12
Room B12
Keynote and keynote speaker:
Human centered design and the significance of user involvement
Professor Yvonne Eriksson, Mälardalen University
FIKA: Coffee and networking at the exhibition
Three parallel sessions:
Session 2. Pre-braille literacy
Room B12
2:1 Buckets, boxes & baskets! Promoting a holistic approach to pre-braille, Gwyneth McCormack, Positive Eye Ltd
2:2 Ready for Pre-Braille? Let's Play With the Six Dots Cell! Marc Angelier and Marie Oddoux, PEP-SRA
2:3 Learning Braille - Case study: Teaching Braille to a 5-year-old Estonian child. Sirli Lellep, Tartu Emajõe School
2:4 The Braille bag: Inspiration and support to families. Gun Olsson, Swedish Agency for Accessible Media
Session 3. Braille and mathematics
Room C58
3:1 Linking mobility and mathematics: Learning about location through concepts in mobility and mathematics. Oliv Klingenberg and Ole Erik Jevne, Statped midt
3:2 A BrailleStudio Experience. Eric de Quartel and Thessa Stevenson Doosje, Bartiméus
3:3 Math for beginners: Making math fun for young children. Benjamín Júlíusson and Helga Björg Ragnarsdótti, National institution for the blind, visually impaired and deafblind in Iceland
3:4 Making Mathematics Accessible: A study of how paraeducators work with adaptations. Ulrika Vanhoenacker, National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools in Sweden
Session 4. Tactile art
Room C10
4:1 Exploring Museums reaching beyond the glass. Ann Cunningham, Colorado Center for the Blind
4:2 Feeling Van Gogh: making Vincent van Gogh’s art accessible. Ann Blokland, Van Gogh Museum
4:3 Kännbart – an art project: Art, exchange, competence – the key to success. Sarah Remgren and Torbjörn Svensson, Project managers of Kännbart
4:4 The relationship between tactile, kinaesthetic and sound experiences in visual arts. Kristina Elisabeth Steinbock MA/MFA, The Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted in Copenhagen
Three parallel sessions:
Session 5. Braille and literacy
Room B12
5:1 Introduction to braille: Supporting pupils in primary schools in Norway. Astrid Kristin Vik and Jorun Hauge, Statped
5:2 Tactile Textbooks that fit students with visual impairments using mainstream books. Leonoor Soet and Mieke Urff, Dedicon
5:3 Braille Butterflies: The Four Stages of Metamorphosis to Braille Proficiency. Skye Jones and Sharon Rattray, South Australian School for Vision Impaired
Session 6. Development of tactual understanding
Room C58
6:1 Concept development of Blind Children Dr. Ans Withagen, Royal Dutch Visio
6:2 Development and evaluation of haptic-books. Dannyelle Valente Post-Doc and Professor Edouard Gentaz, University of Geneva
6:3 The Language of Lines: The Design and Use of Tactile Graphics. BJ Epstein M Arch, LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Session 7. Techniques in tactile graphics
Room C10
7:1 Digital material and 3D-prints in education – separate or combined? Charlotte Magnusson and Kirsten Rassmus-Gröhn, Lund University
7:2 Jumping off the page: 3D printing for tactile representation of graphics. Leona Holloway, Monash University
7:3 Tactile science education for visually impaired children: The life cycle of the brimstone butterfly. Janja Plazar Ph.D, University of Primorska
FIKA: Coffee and networking at the exhibition
Session 8
Room B12
8:1 Discrimination Strategies – How specialised are they? Dr. Torø Graven, University of Oxford
Conference dinner
Read more about the conference dinner